Washing Machine Repairs in Sydney CBD and Surrounding Areas
Being able to easily clean laundry with a couple of pushes of a button often goes underappreciated until something goes wrong with the machine. From uniforms to pyjamas, you want to be sure you can tend to piles of dirty laundry without resorting to hand washing each item. As soon as you notice problems with your washing machine, schedule repair service right away to limit the risk of water damage or further complications. Whether your washing machine won’t drain, won’t spin, or simply won’t turn on, Total Appliance Repair Centre can provide regular service or emergency washing machine repair to address the problem. Our washing machine repair technicians also provide careful preventative maintenance, which we recommend for any laundry room appliances. Providing parts and repairs for all of those big names, we can ensure your appliance is back up and running in no time. With every repair, we will provide valuable feedback on how to keep your appliance running in good shape for durable use.
Common washing machine faults
Machine not spinning
When clothes are soaked at the end of the wash cycle, it may indicate that the washer isn’t spinning. This could be due to a defective lid switch or lid plunger, burned out spin solenoid, damaged wires, broken or worn-out drive belt, or a bad timer contact.
Excess soap, loose hoses, drain pipe clogs, and leaking pumps, tubs, or tub water injection hoses could be to blame for leaks and other similar damage. After our expert washing machine repairer checks it out and diagnoses the issue, you will have your appliance working in record time without having to worry about breaking for a long time.
Dead machine
In most cases, this is caused by a tripped, off-balance switch from an imbalanced load that can be easily rectified by redistributing clothes. Otherwise, you may have a problem with the timer circuitry or your outlet, which our professionals can take care of.
If you notice excessive vibration, your washer may not be levelled properly or could be located on a weakened wood floor. Worn damper pads or snubber pads may also be to blame.
Not draining or filling water
Water will remain in the drum if you have a defective pump, worn drive belt, or clogged drain hose. When it doesn’t drain properly, it could lead to serious problems.
Door not opening
Your appliance will get fixed by our honest and fast service on the same or next day. Our trained staff can fix more than 85% of the faults on the first visit.
Quick Tips
Use powder instead of liquid detergents. The powder comprises of bleaching agents that can kill bacteria and moulds that cause unpleasant odours. Put your machine on a 60-degree wash, at least twice a year.
Fix your Westinghouse, Fisher and Paykel or LG washing machine with ease
With a dedicated and knowledgeable team at the ready, we can provide assistance no matter what make and model you happen to have. Covering the most common brands, including LG washing machine repairs, and performing washing machine repairs Sydney wide, as well as in Parramatta, the North Shore and beyond, we are the only team you need for prompt solutions you can trust.
Brands we repair